Construction Parameters :-
Conductor | 14 AWG Bare Copper | Stranding | Solid | Insulation Material | PVC/Nylon | Insulation Thickness | 0.016'' Nom. | Nylon Insulation Thickness | 0.005'' Nom. | Insulated Conductor Diameter | 0.106'' Nom. | Approximate Cable Weight | 15.6 Lbs/1M' Nom. | Electrical & Environmental Properties :- | Temperature Rating | -20°C to 90°C | Operating Voltage | 600 V RMS Max.1000V (AWM 1452) | Impediance | 41.07 Ohms/1M' Nom. | DC Resistance per Conductor @ 20°C | 2.54 Ohms/1M', Nom. |
Additional Information
Manufacturer: Coleman Cable - CCI
For More Information on the SOLID BC THHN, [Click Here] to Link to Manufacturer Web Site